Home Science
The course of Home Science plays a vital role in scientific house hold management. Home Science is an applied subject and it is an interdisciplinary field of studies comprising of Food & Nutrition, Clothing & Textile, Resource Management, Human Development and Extension Education and Communication.
Home science department aims at the total development of women, by providing learning opportunities to empower them with knowledge, skills and attitudes, to face personal and professional challenges with confidence, inculcating values of respect, commitment and concern for the service of others, thereby enabling them to make a positive contribution to the society in the 21st century.
The department has well-qualified faculty, well equipped Classrooms, Laboratories. (Sewing machines, microwave ovens etc)
The teaching – learning process takes place in an interactive environment involving the use of innovative techniques to enhance this process. Participatory techniques are stressed upon with a focus on building up student morale, stimulating independent thinking and fostering creativity. Project work and seminar presentations constitute an integral part of this system.
VISION -To evolve as a Center of Excellence in the field of Home Science Education
Future Prospects:
Home Science offers a tremendous amount of opportunities and provides a treasure of knowledge on various fields. In the under-graduate level, the students begin only to really learn about Home Science. After completion of B.A. (optional subject) Home Science, students can choose to branch out into other fields like fashion designing, interior decoration, dietician etc or go on for Masters in Home Science.
You have a very good scope with Home Science. You will get all the knowledge of domestic chores. This will help you to understand the homework and will help you get a good job. You can also start your own business.
To groom the personality and for the holistic development of female students, we offer the following skillful activities throughout the year. Like Art & Craft, Jewellery Designing, Garment Construction (Cutting and Tailoring) Tie & dye, basic cooking.

Geography Lab
The college has a well-equipped geography lab with all kinds of instruments and tools to provide practical knowledge of the subject and different kinds of maps and charts to understand the subject.
Besides, the geography lab has the following instruments that are useful for the practical survey and measurements such as chain & tape plain table, tripod stand, trough compass, plumb bob, cross-staff, ranging rods, spirit level & arrows.
Our geography laboratory equipments are Rock Specification Set For Earth Science , Set Of Rocks & Minerals, Set Of Metallic Ores, Elementary Planetarium Model, Solar System Simulator, Globe Illuminator, Student Globe Model, Minerls set, Earth Model,3d Land forms model, Volcanic System, Solar Energy,,traccing table, Toposheets of many area ,Theodolite, Dumpy leval, Clinometers,Abney leval,Telescope,Planimeter, Latest three pode stand, zareeb sett,Prismatic cumpass set,charts of india physical and political ,world physical and political maps, many country.etc.